McCalls 7006MCC

McCalls 7006MCC7006 18" DOLL CLOTHES: Outfits to fit 18" Doll. Top A. Top B: Contrast applique. Leggings C. Pants D. Skirt E: Contrast net underskirt. Jacket F,G: lined. Shoes H. Boots I. Boots J: Contrast shoe. Purse K,L: Purchased ribbon strap/handle. Hat M: contrast veil. Headband N. Scarf O,P. Bow...

McCalls 7006MCC

7006 18" DOLL CLOTHES: Outfits to fit 18" Doll. Top A. Top B: Contrast applique. Leggings C. Pants D. Skirt E: Contrast net underskirt. Jacket F,G: lined. Shoes H. Boots I. Boots J: Contrast shoe. Purse K,L: Purchased ribbon strap/handle. Hat M: contrast veil. Headband N. Scarf O,P. Bow Pin Q. Birdcage R.